So many young people are OK with being miserable, and it’s concerning (Addiction of being sad).

Chris Alexander
6 min readJul 14, 2022

If you’ve been in depression and one way or the other have been using social media as an escape, you know what I’m talking about.

Those “vibes” and those “aesthetic feelings” those random quotes and of how harsh this world is even though we’ve never experienced a thing ourselves.

How we spend hours and hours listening to sad music to self-pity ourselves and scroll around depressive content to feel related.

And those self-hate talks of how sucks it’s to be you or why you shouldn’t been born and those “s u i c i d a l” talks and those comparisons to other people lives..

Yeah..basically teen stuff…..

Is messing with your mental health….real bad..

How exactly?..


You see, feeling anxious, depressed and lost is quite common in young people, especially when you’re in your teens.

As you begin to mature, many things doesn’t make sense and things can be a little rough..

Most people go through this process easily/normally, but for some it can be quite challenging.

And often they end up feeling depressed and lost.

And that’s where social media plays its part with depressive and self-hate content.

Which makes most of us feel related, and we don’t even know it, and we end up in this well of addiction.

Many people find comfort in being sad because it’s an easy way around to feel sorry for yourself and being anxious about something..

That’s the thing with anxiety, and probably we all do that.

Because it’s a way to comfort that at least we’re doing something.

For some, being in such a state makes them feel special because after all, they’ve through a lot, so it must mean something.

When it comes to it, social media and pop culture has its own role to play.

From Lana Del Rey fanboys to Billie Eilish E-girls.

It’s whole culture which plays its part.

In the end, young people get victim of it, and fall into despair and this dark place where they normalize self-hate and build these habits which affect their lives and performance in work/study.

(Let me clarify, I have nothing on them, they’re amazing in their own right, I’m just highlighting this whole pop obsession with depressive and suicidal stuff).

“Negativity is an addiction to the bleak shadow that lingers around every human form — you can transfigure negativity by turning it toward the light of your soul.” — John O’Donohue.

Let me clarify something..

Mental health is a really concerning problem, especially among young people who don’t even get to experience life itself and how amazing it is to be alive and already decides to giving up on it and to making things worse social media and pop culture makes it seem just..... normal..

This whole culture has so much effect on us all that if you look online you’ll find 13-year-old kids obsessed over depression, when in reality they’ve never experienced a thing (Hopefully they never do).

And this obsession leads to feeling related, and they don’t even know it, and they become addictive to it.

Is there a way to do something about it?..

There are few ways you can overcome this addiction of being sad..

I can’t help but mention it first..

1) Meditation.

In previous articles, I’ve talked about meditation, and of how positive effect it has on your mental health.

Photo by Patrick Malleret on Unsplash

I know when it comes to mental health, it’s kinda overrated as of how everyone’s talking about it.

But nevertheless, meditation is so amazing and of how effective it can be to help you overcome your mental health issues and find your calm.

It connects you with yourself and your thoughts.

2) Self gratitude.

Research has shown gratitude is one of the best ways to overcome emotions like guilt, shame and depression.

Being grateful for the things we already have reminds us that of how things are not as bad as we’ve made in our minds..

Instead of draining your mind and energy on the things you don’t have, take a step back and be grateful of the things you already have.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I mean, I get it, as we live our lives we constantly need things for our ever-growing desires and so, but once in a while just sitting back and cherishing the things you already have can make you realize of the things that really matters.

And give you a clear mind to think through things you’re so worried about.

3) Take time off from Social media.

The best way you can help yourself is to take some time off and spend in things that actually can help you get out of the situation you’re in.

I know, In the beginning it can be hard and to some.. weird.... living without it, but as you spend more time without it..

You begin to realize of how there is more to life than just scrolling around social media and catfishing people..

Or arguing with some random guy on Facebook about whether pineapple on pizza is… delicious… or just….. Gross..

4) Find something to spend time on.

There are endless ways you can better use your time than waste online to degrade your self-esteem.

If you ever decided to take some time off from social media.. You’ll begin to realize of how much time you can have in your hands and what you can do with it..

You can develop new hobbies or just spend that time with your family, to whom you’ve been anti-social for over a year or so..

Or if it’s not your style, you can watch TV shows, Documentaries and so..

Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash

I mean, yeah, most people might disagree with me, but if you have some free time, and you feel depressed and want to better use your time than self-pitying yourself online..

You can watch TV shows and documentaries..

There are a lot of free educational and entertaining stuff out there, that will not just help you get back to yourself and calm you, but can teach you a lot of new things while you have the time of your life..

Depression is not something to take easily and if you’re struggling from it please do whatever you can to find help, while being in such state, spending too much time online can make you addictive to feel that way.

Know this if you’re a little bit depressed over things, it can be somewhat normal, but if you’ve been struggling from it for a while, please do whatever you can to do something about it.

Let me know if you’ve been experiencing something like that or would like to share something related to it.



Chris Alexander

In search of finding myself, I’m No expert, I just write my opinion